death to words...
Since my last post I had a good friend pass away in Columbus, Oh. With his death, words died inside me as well. I've had nothing to say for some time and I've been scrambling for words ever since. I've had people asking me when I'm going to post on this thing again and I guess my response to that would be, "when words come back". You've heard of getting your breath knocked out...that would be "breathless". I've gotten my words knocked out of me...that would be "speechless". Many days I sit still and zone. I get lost in a labyrinth of daydreams and lose track of things. So, these are a couple words I can string together to give explanation to my mysterious disappearance. Words will come with time...for now, they are nowhere to be found.
I suppose that you read my thoughts regarding Mark's death on Tim's blog.
I have been thinking of Mark frequently during these past two weeks ... I feel the 'hole'/'vacuum' in the kingdom also.
Without the love of God I would not be able to go on.