I love you the mostess...
Taylor just stopped in with her mother to see me as I set out on the adventure of this fine day. I took her from the arms of her mother for a couple minutes and talked to her cute little heart. She kept wanting me to look at her mouth. She would pucker her lips and then open her mouth really wide like she was at the dentist. She said, "I bwushed my teeth." I could see that. Her mouth had this chalky white substance caked all around her lips. I kissed her soft lips again and again until she dug her nails into my face and pushed my over zealous affection away. Sometimes I get carried away with the kissing.
Heidi had to get to a meeting, so she took Taylor back and I said, "I love you, Tay." With one eye squinted shut and the other one looking into my soul, she replied, "I wuv you the mostess." I tickled her under her chin and said that I loved her the mostest. She disagreed and we bantered back and forth like dads and daughters do. The kind of exchange that would be awkward for anyone else to be around other than members of our family. This is that kind of intimacy that can only be shared with the ones who share your blood or your bed. I can't get enough of that.
My wife looked radiant this morning. Her skin tanned with a bronze softness. Her blue eyes sparkling like the surface of a rippling brook on a sunny day. Her hands softly tucked within my own. Her voice chasing away silence and filling the room with gentle affirmation. When she left she said, "I hope you have a good morning." Little does she know that her presence has already accomplished that word of well-wishing. I am blessed beyond measure...beyond pleasure. As the sun presses through the cracks of the drawn shades in my office, I can't help but think that God's love is breaking into my day and inviting me to drink deep of his warmth and enlightenment. And I love him the mostess.
Heidi had to get to a meeting, so she took Taylor back and I said, "I love you, Tay." With one eye squinted shut and the other one looking into my soul, she replied, "I wuv you the mostess." I tickled her under her chin and said that I loved her the mostest. She disagreed and we bantered back and forth like dads and daughters do. The kind of exchange that would be awkward for anyone else to be around other than members of our family. This is that kind of intimacy that can only be shared with the ones who share your blood or your bed. I can't get enough of that.
My wife looked radiant this morning. Her skin tanned with a bronze softness. Her blue eyes sparkling like the surface of a rippling brook on a sunny day. Her hands softly tucked within my own. Her voice chasing away silence and filling the room with gentle affirmation. When she left she said, "I hope you have a good morning." Little does she know that her presence has already accomplished that word of well-wishing. I am blessed beyond measure...beyond pleasure. As the sun presses through the cracks of the drawn shades in my office, I can't help but think that God's love is breaking into my day and inviting me to drink deep of his warmth and enlightenment. And I love him the mostess.