I used to wonder....

I used to wonder how pastors could get depressed, I don't anymore.

I now wonder how pastors can keep from getting depressed. There's so much bondage and baggage. So much hurt and hate. So much pride and prejudice. So much anger and angst. So much fear and frustration. So much doubt and disallusion. So much greediness and neediness. So much sin and sadness.

I hate the gravity of depravity I feel at times. I can hardly stand it. I sometimes just want to cry. I think I will.


Blue Like Jazz said…
a wise young writer once said "Some days I have to laugh, simply because if I don't laugh, I will cry..."

i always think of that quote during times like these...

sometimes it seems like tears are much closer to the surface of my skin, while a smile is just the false front that holds it all in and covers up the pain...
Blue Like Jazz said…
Psalm 46:1-3

- King David

"Though the waters rise, they will not pull me under / Though the mountains fall and crash into the sea / I will lift my eyes and call out to You Father / Be my covering"

- Bebo Norman

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