Random Ruminations

It's another frost-bitten day in the land of Lowell. It was below zero this morning when I woke up and the sunrise was brilliant yet again. It's so weird to look at your window at a gorgeous sunrise only to walk out your door and have your snot freeze to the inside of your nostrils.

I walked outside to start the car and by the time I grabbed the handle of the van door, it felt like I was wrapping my hand around something hot...it was so cold, it felt hot! What's up with that? The car was so sluggish to respond to being turned over. Pistons had to be slogging through thick oil. My engine was in a stupor only to be awakened by spark plugs and fuel injectors...what a wake up call.

But the colder it is outside, the better the taste of the coffee. And that's where I find myself on my first day off...sipping some good strong coffee and readying myself for a get together with a couple from my small group, Matt and Cassie Nanninga. They've been coming to the church for a few months and really growing. I love the surge of unchurched, dechurched people that have plugged into the body the last several months...Brad and Amy, Randy and Katie, Matt and Casey...the list goes on and on. What hungry hearts they come to Life Group with. Eyes wide, souls soft...eager to learn. It's a privilege to be a part of such a contagious community of Christ-followers. I look forward to our encounter in just a few moments.

Well, I thought I'd check in and spout off a couple random ruminations. Tootles.


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