Question #2 - "What For?"
After beginning their journey with God, it isn't long before questions of "why" start surfacing. I call it the question of...
“What for?”
Once someone steps on the path of becoming a disciple of
Jesus--a Christ-follower, they begin to learn the way of God. The way of God can be summed up as both
learning how he longs for us to live as well as learning who he really is so
that we can love him in this new life we’ve come to believe is the truth that
sets the human soul free. It is quite
exciting to discover the truth about life and where we come from and what we’re
made for. Learning your purpose in life
is no small thing and initially you can’t get enough, you’re starving for
deeper understanding. Whatever you’re told to do chances are you’ll do it…it’s
childlike in that way. It’s also a time when people are most likely to spread
the news to everyone they know and love.
As they should. They are learning truths that are transforming their
values, perspectives, and actions.
But there comes a time when people begin to ask: “What for?” They know that it’s more than just knowing
more or having more head knowledge. More
than doing more and having more moral activity. You can memorize verses, recite prayers, and
attend Bible studies and still be nagged by the question of motive. What drives all of this stuff? What is all this for? Am I doing this for me or them or God? What are the true intentions of my heart?
I think this is where a deepening of the heart comes into
play. This is where the relationship is
forged and formed. It’s quite possible
that for a while following God is merely things to do, lists to follow, steps
to take, songs to sing, prayers to pray, sermons to listen to, Christian to
hang out with, books to read, money to tithe, ministry to get involved in. And all this is so important. It’s learning to fully obey and God says over
and over again in the Scriptures that you show that you know and love him by
obeying his commands. When feelings are
there and when they aren’t.
But this is where the rub comes…“when feelings aren’t”. When the novelty of the trappings of church
begin to wax and wane, and they will, your mind and heart begin to spar. When I say spar, I mean engage in the real conflict
of doing and being, knowing about and really knowing. Questions start to come that at first you
didn’t think about when you “started following Jesus”. You begin to see the hypocrisy of yourself
and other Christians and you wonder if you are real, they are real, and
consequently, if God is actually real? Is
all this ‘make believe’, smoke and mirrors?
“What is all this about anyway?”
“What are we doing this for every week if nothing actually changes?”
“What is the meaning of this?”
“Why do I believe this and what does it matter?”
“Why do I follow God and obey his teachings?”
“Why is this happening to me if I’m obeying God?”
“What compels me to keep doing all this stuff?”
“Who am I doing this for, God or others?”
“Who really cares?”
Mindless actions and intellectual assent won’t satisfy at
some point. Going through the motions
will grate you at some point. People
will want confirmation that something deeper, truer, richer, and fuller is
happening underneath all the Christian activities. If it is not undergirded by more than tips
and techniques, rules and regulations, programs and protocols...something
deflating occurs.
You see, “What for?” actually takes them toward heart
knowledge…deeper relationship. What
usually causes this question is struggle or suffering. A real time of testing.
Until your faith is tested, your ‘so-called’ beliefs are put on trial, you don’t
ask, “Why?” It doesn’t even occur to
most people until they hit a wall of some kind.
It could be doubt, discouragement, or desperation. It might be a tragedy or a set of debilitating
disappointments. As the emotion fades,
the devotion is exposed. The needs are separated
from the creeds. This is not to say
emotion and needs have no place in Christianity…they certainly do. But growth happens when hardship and
heartache sift our spirits and cause us to dig deep.
It happens in marriage in the same way. Vows are important commitments and pre-marriage
counseling gives you some handholds and footholds that are quite helpful in the
beginning. But as life go on, it has a
way of challenging our dedication and determination. It causes us to question our assumptions and
expectations. There are even times in a
marriage relationship where you wonder if you “love” the person you’re married
to because life has presented you with obstacles and opposition that force you to
ask deeper questions of yourself and your spouse.
This is the stage of disillusionment where what you know, what
you do, what you believe, what you want are all calling into question your true
self. “What for?”
“What did you do that for?”
“What did I do that for?”
“What did they do that for?”
This is where a transactional relationship becomes a
transformational one. The marriage has
to move from the butler being married to the maid—to—the full-orbed man
becoming one with the full-orbed woman.
I would submit that this is what happens when people come into Question
#2 of the Christian life. They are being
forced through contractions and contradictions to reconcile good and evil, pain
and pleasure, heaven and earth.
And I believe this: People
want to do the right things for the right reason. They care whether the “What” is correctly
hitched to the “What for?” If something
is askew, they will twitch and glitch, and rightfully so. Their human spirit and the Holy Spirit are
learning to live together, and convictions and preferences and desires are
learning to abide with each other. John
15 speaks of this “abiding” and the “pruning” necessary for real love to be the “what for?” in the
As the dust settles a bit on the “why behind the what”, I’ve
noticed people begin to wrestle and wonder about the “where behind the what”. Here’s what I mean…