Being honest and human with God, even if it seems irreverent at times...
Sometimes prayer is difficult for me. I pray but it feels empty at times. Other times it feels as natural as breathing. But whatever prayer feels like on any given day, it's hard to be a human and not struggle with the faith that it takes to maintain a good prayer life. Talking to an unseen God, to me, will always be a challenge of faith. Especially when you're done talking and you don't hear anything in response...then it's really hard to "keep your chin up" and the eyes of your heart peeled. We are so used to a relationship involving conversation and the last time I checked, when someone doesn't talk back to you when you're talking to them, it can get awkward and downright frustrating.
I wrote something a while back on my battles with prayer and being in relationship with an unseen being who communicates in an inaudible voice...I never posted it, but I thought it might put into words what some people may feel. My "prayer" is that it will begin a conversation about prayer than actually gets you or keeps you praying. Prayer has been connected with "wrestling with God" in the Old and New Testaments...and I can't say that there is any other metaphor that sums it up any better.
If prayer is anything, it's honestly emoting to God at a gut level. It's about finding a way of relating to God without dismissing your humanity.
I read stories of Job and his friends and I get a picture of struggling
with God that allows for some fierce conversation and honest dialogue with
God. It seems that in the end, Job's friends were the one's rebuked for
their "easy solutions". This is not to say that Job wasn't told by God what's
what and who's who in chapter's 38-42, but God seemed to welcome the honesty as
opposed to the cloaked and edited conversations of a person afraid to enter
into honest relationship with God.
The Psalms to me are a great springboard for honest dialogue as
well...especially the first 20 chapters which are replete with examples of
extreme emotion being shared all the while the Psalmist is so-called
"My God, My God why have you forsaken
me" "Why are you deaf" "Why are you far
away" "Arouse yourself", "Break the teeth of the
wicked" ect, ect.
The writer has to understand that his writing
could be interpreted as arrogant and insolent, but he seems to realize that God
wants and welcomes real questions and heartache, not watered down prayers that
hide behind a fear of being irreverent. We see that in some of the same
Psalms, the writer recongnizes God's love and power. So how could both of
these emotions dwell simultaneously? It seems God gives room for questioning
and worshipping at the same time. Just because someone questions with
tenacity and terror doesn't mean they are aborting faith, it may mean they are
pressing in harder than ever. It may mean that they aren't accepting easy
answers and effortless solutions...they may want to wrestle in order to enter
into rest.
The depth of my discouragement with prayer comes from my desire to see
the things I read about in the Scriptures happen around me and through me and
in me, and I get tired of reading about shadows healing people and lepers
cleansed and bleeding being stopped with the touch of a garment without ever
experiencing "in the ballpark" things in my ministry. We talk
about following Christ, but it seems that we just assume that is all
attitudinal growth...but when it comes to duplicating the actual dealings and
activities of becomes difficult to do. There was so much of
the miraculous in the New Testament...and so little of it in the church
today. I know the theological arguments for why these things aren't happening
today...and to me, they are strangely arguments from silence more than
I don't want to spend much time on that line of thinking, I just want to
convey that I desire to see God move miraculously...and experience precious
little of it compared to the Bible. Sure, lives are being changed around
me and "there is no miracle so powerful as the conversion of the human
heart" and "every breath I breath is a miracle of God"...these
things, though true, are diversions from the comparing/contrasting I'm seeking
to do with the actual Bible. I feel sometimes like I have to fill in the
blanks with arguments from silence and reinventions of the miraculous to sooth my
heart and the hearts of many who wonder why there's such a discrepancy between
the Bible we read and the lives we lead.
I realize that I error on the side of disclosure and honesty in my writings at times and my frustration with the gap between my knowledge of God and my experience with God...and there
are times when I'm sure it does damage to someone's fragile faith.
the edited life, though it's effects cannot be categorized and cataloged, seems,
to me, to be much more destructive. This is why I love books like
Lamentations..."the Book of Depressions"'s gritty, raw,
unorthodox and quite disconcerting...and the author isn't necessarily concerned
with truth as much as being true to himself. We know as we read chapter
1-3 that what he's saying is just his perspective and that his accusation and
frustrations are unfounded and absurd...but they're true to him, because it's what
he feels and thinks and sees. Sure, we can rush right to the couple verse
where he says, "your mercy is new every morning, great is your
faithfulness."...but in our discomfort to grapple with reality, we tend to
discount and discredit the rest of the story, when God chose to inspire
it. All the words are inspired...not just the ones that make for great
Hymns of the faith. The gravel in the mouth and the broken teeth and the
desperation of a heart that made him want to throw in the towel
he was so crushed and confused. We need some of those prophets out there
This is just my response to times when people feel like I share too honestly or irreverently in my blog...whether on prayer, church, myself, or the world around me. I don't write flippantly when I
write...I think hard and write with trepidation as I pen my thoughts. I
want to engage the truth no matter where it leads...and sometimes it leads to
hard questions and harder answers.
God doesn't need me and I'm nothing compared to him. He doesn't
owe me anything for sure. I deserve much less than He's given me and I'm
grateful for his mercy on my poor soul. But that's not the issue to
me...the issue to me is recognizing that I've been created to interact freely
with him and that he cares about what I have to say. He doesn't have
to...but he does. He doesn't have to listen, but he does. He
doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. He's God...and I have
no idea what it's like to be Him.
But that's just the thing, I'm coming
to him from where I'm coming from, and He's coming to me from where He's coming
from. And for me to try to come to Him like I'm God, and for me to ask
Him to come to me like He's Jason isn't possible. So I simply come to him
with my honest feelings 'cause that's what I witness people doing that I respect
in the Bible. There are times when I don't question and just thank Him
for who He is and what he does. I stand in awe of Him 'cause I really do
love him deeply. But then there are times when I don't get Him, so I
enter into conversation with Him about those areas that are leaving me jaded
and jostled.
I can't make everyone relate to God like I do...and I can't expect that
I'm right and everyone else is wrong. For some, I'm sure they don't need
as much evidence or feel as much's partly a personality thing, I guess. And
that's great. In some ways, I wish I was more like that kind of
person. I don't think they are checking their brains at the door for
being that way. But I know that I'd be checking my brains at the door if
I responded that way.
There are some Bible characters that had
unflinching faith in God without so much as a hint of doubt...there are others
who were basket cases. Both were used by God to author the Bible and
convey His heart to the world. I hope that my relationship with God is
cracking open more hearts than it's injuring, even though it's not airtight and
air brushed.
And that is why I love the Bible and the God of the Bible and being in relationship with Him, because I feel I can be myself with him. I can be myself in prayer and tell it like I see it, and in patience God sets the drag and lets me go and after I "tell it like I see it", he lovingly "tells it like it is."
Prayer is an honest relationship, warts and all.
Thank you for this. I struggle with prayer often, and especially lately, I've been struggling with some hard things in my heart, and I feel that I haven't talked to God, the one person who could understand better than anyone, as much as I should or could. In many ways, I've been trying to deal with things on my own, and I think its made it worse. So I needed to see this post, to see honest and real thoughts on prayer.
Also, thank you for everything you write. I come here often and am always learning something from your beautiful writing and your honest, and soul-felt reflections. Be encouraged, that what you are doing here is a good work and is opening hearts, for it has opened mine many times. You have an awesome gift with words, and being a lover words, the way you write always resonates with me on some level.