somewhat better...

We had a doctor's appt. yesterday and it went well. They really didn't tell us much other than it isn't a broken bone. It is just so weird watching your little girl limp around without much control over her left leg. It's almost like it had fallen asleep or something. Throughout the day, she learned how to walk on it so that she could tool around. It's funny how little kids just bounce back from things like that...they learn how to function with what's available at the current time. She would just tilt her foot out and compensate with her right leg. By the end of the night, her limp was just slight.

Yesterday when we got back from the doctor's office, we were at the church office and Heidi was holding Tay in her arms. They were getting ready to leave and all the sudden it hit me, "I need to pray for Taylor!" I looked at Tay and said, "Can daddy pray for you, Tay?" She looked at me and said, "Uhhu." I moved over towards her and put my left hand on her leg and my right hand behind her head. I thought that she would start getting fidgety and ansy, but she stayed still and quiet for about two minutes while I prayed for healing and strength. I couldn't believe it. When I said, "Amen", she looked at me and said, "I love you, Daddy" and then leaned forward with her lips pursed for a kiss.

I thought to myself, "Did she know what I was doing?" By the way she responded, it was if she understood her condition and the need to pray to God about it. I don't know why, but it just struck my heart so hard that a two year old can comprehend the need for God's intervention.

Last night before bed, I went into my daughters bedrooms and knelt by their beds and prayed for them. I prayed for their little hearts that God would protect them and pour his spirit into theirs. In the middle of praying, I opened my eyes and looked around the room and was just overcome with Satan's attack on my children. He was using them to get to me. I hate that my kids have to undergo attack because of what Heidi and I have chosen to do with our lives, namely, making Satan miserable. I looked around the room and said out loud, "Leave my family alone! Get away from my daughters and leave the premises!" I felt such a passion to fend off the assault on my kids. I need to do a better job of being the watchmen on the walls for my family's well being.

Keep praying for Taylor...we aren't out of the woods yet. This is an odd thing that the doctor's are oddly stumped by as well. We are believing that God will heal her tiny body. I, as her father, stand in between her and the attacker and say with all the heart I can muster, "You've messed with the wrong man. My family belongs to God...and we will make no deals with you. Take your negotiations elsewhere." As I write this, honestly, I am scared to say such things fearing an increased intensity in the battle. But the kingdom of heaven is forcefully advancing and forceful men grab onto it.


NY23CLIFF said…
We will continue to pray for you and stand with you in this great battle...

Cliff and Ange

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