
It is finished. My loyal yokefellow, Dave, has put his finishing touches on my website and I'm much obliged. If you want to read some of my favorite quotes, listen to my weekly messages, email me, see pictures of my family or read some writings about my family...you can avail yourself of these amenities at the leisure of your good pleasure. You will also notice that the new way of purchasing the album is through www.independentbands.com. It's cheaper and easier.

So just in case you don't have my web address, it is www.jasonholdridge.com (I know, very novel and spiffy). Do me the pleasure of checking it out and commenting as to the nature of your experience. If you encounter any difficulty in navigating your way around the site, I would love your feedback. Just don't curse at me...I nurture a fragile heart that can't take the abuse.

Thanks for your faithfulness in frequenting my blog and joining my journey...


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