A woman's heart...

I don't know who said this, but probably that Anonymous guy...he says alot of really cool stuff...

"A woman's heart should be so close to God that a man has to seek God to find it."


Jody said…
I think it's perfect. In 'reverse' too...that a man's heart is so close to God's a woman has to seek God to find IT. =) Your previous posts made me stop and think, and reminded me of the churches I grew up in and was a PK in. The parishoners often thought we should be 'perfect' for some odd reason. I am years later, finding that, through unspeakable tragedy, my faith has grown more in 5 yeras than in all the years I spent in church, Christian school, VBS, Bible camp, and on youth mission trips. I was living my faith out of duty...not out of love and passion and the reality that God's grace and mercy are something I experience in my life simply because He loves me and chose me as His own. It's humbilng and overwhelming to live in light of that- but beautiful and awesome at the same time. Thanks, as always for sharing your thoughts here. Your words encourage and inspire and remind me of where I've been and where I'm going. Thank God, for loving me while I was still a sinner, and for allowing me to stumble and fall in order that I might draw closer to Him. I now pray, not for goodness and happiness in the lives of my own kids, but instead, I ask for God to show them mercy. I may mean I see them hurt and fall short, but that God can be maginified and be "Real" to them in spite of if all. I hope your wife and daughters are doing much better this week. Life is indeed very precious. It is a gift- every single day.
warriorpoet9 said…
I remember coming across that quote several years ago...one of the most significant little tidbits I've found and passed along many times. Hope all is well in Michigan and your princesses are recovered from the accident. <><
Blue Like Jazz said…
wow, that is incredible...
Ginger said…
A friend of mine has this version of your quote as the tagline at the bottom of all her emails:

I hide my heart behind God's so that the man God has for me will have to search the heart of God to find mine.

thanks for posting this quote. It's always a blessing to see what you have written and where God is taking you. Thank you!
Teresa said…
I loved that.

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