Donald Miller...

So I went to Cornerstone university for chapel today and Donald Miller was the speaker. He is there for a couple of days giving several lectures on culture, Christianity and how the two are often times mutually exclusive. (at least that was the tree he was barking up today) I have to tell you that I was like a little boy in a comic shop anticipating seeing him in living color.

You know how you read books and picture the author speaking while your eyes are scanning the little black words? Well, I had an image of this Don guy in my head and when he mounted the little podium...I was underwhelmed.

He was a corpulent middle aged man. He waddled back and forth as he pontificated his theories and ideas. His face was nothing to look at really. His body language was awkward and simple. His voice was somewhat monotone, like the hum of a fan on a hot summer afternoon. His teeth were kind of buck and his smile made his eyes squint shut. His knees were whatever knees are called when they are the opposite of bow-legged. His shirt was disheveled and his pants overly baggy. He wasn't at all who I had in mind. Thank God.

The morning couldn't have been more beautiful for my inner man. He is a beautiful man with insight that brings freedom and imagination that stirs the soul to life. His words were fresh and ideas refreshing. I love that man. I love the way he thinks about God, people, culture, nature and personality. I'm leaving in a moment to see session #2 out of 4. I'm salivating right now at the very thought of drinking deep of his heart.

Anyone else out there dig this plump scholar?


ShepherdRick said…
Greetings Jay!

Marilyn and I will be attending his Cedarville University session this Thursday evening. We have both read through his books multiple times, and his "To Own a Dragon" book is on my "must read" list for men.

You have heightened my sense of anticipation as I am looking forward VERY much to hearing him share in two days!

Sailing on ....
He was a corpulent middle aged man. He waddled back and forth as he pontificated his theories and ideas. His face was nothing to look at really. His body language was awkward and simple. cotton percale bed sheets , satin bed set ,

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