mass emails...

This is an email I sent out to a person who has been sending me several mass emails a week that are circulated by right-wing, fundamentalist camps warning the world of false prophets and demonized democrats. Some of those emails are informative so long as the stay close to factual evidence, but more than not they are tarnished with emotional propoganda. I thought I'd post it on here just in case there are others who send emails without screening the data with a fine tooth comb. My opinion is that we shouldn't sent emails that we have not personally researched and found to be absolutely credible. That just seems biblically reasonable. Here's the email...

"I've debated as to whether to send this email to you for some time now. I appreciate your zeal for the issues within America and your desire to share vital information with those you love and care about. There are times when these mass emails are informative and inspiring.

But most of the time, I find that much of the content in the emails is not substantiated with primary sources. It's alot of vitriolic and subjective venting coming from fear mongers, guilt mongers and doomsdays prophets. I've done some research on some of the content in these mass emails and have found many fallacies and far too many embellishments of the truth. I realize that Rebublicans have their differing views from Democrats and am in agreement with many of their stances on critical issues, but I don't believe that gives us the license to fabricate stories and overstate the facts and sometimes even out-in-out lie about the canidates on the "other side". I feel that many Christians start employing tactics that have nothing to do with Biblical principles as they seek to ramrod their agenda. Randomly sending out information to friends and family must be screened with a fine tooth comb and we must be sure that no spin-doctoring and truth-stretching are a part of what we are sending out in mass quanities.

I was going to send this to just you, but I believe all of the people on your list must be informed of the same dangers. I, like you, am deeply concerned with cover-up in politics and legitimate conspiracy theories in our government. But I'm not interested in Urban Legends and Emotional Fiction being propogated to the masses in the name of God (that's what is especially disturbing).

I would appreciate not recieving these mass emails any more. And I would encourage you to make sure that what you are sending out is screened with truth, first-hand known truth that you've researched, and not superstition and hunches and feelings and subjective opinions. Thanks for taking time to hear from my heart."

I hope this encourages who it's meant to encourage and rebukes who it's meant to rebuke.


David Cortner said…
Well said. I also weary of those who forward insane e-mails about one candidate being a Muslim in disguise, the next candidate being a phony Southern Baptist when in reality he is a communist, and the real prize winner, which I have received at least 50 times...sign this petition NOW or James Dobson and every other religious broadcast will be off the air by noon tomorrow. Most of these have been forwarded by people who make us as Christians all look like members of the CDA - the Christian Donkeys Annonymous. Thanks for your well written response - which is far kinder than some of my acquaintances have received from me.
Adam said…
I definitely would echo the sentiments of your response. It saddens my heart to see how many Christians are swept up in mass-movements of partisan passion, that are heavy on "impression" and light on "ideas." Rather than being innocent as lambs and shrewd as wolves, I often think we are content to be as brash as asses.

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