

Before we move into our dream

We best take time to ponder

What God desires for our church

And where we’re prone to wander.


We must admit we’re weak and frail

And full of sinful urges

Before we ask for God to come

And with his love to purge us.


And when we feel the awkwardness

Of looking deep inside,

We must continue to hunt down

The sins that run to hide.


These are the ones that hold us back

And keep our church at bay,

They are not welcome anymore,

They must be burned away.


Lest you think those sins will leave

Just because you ask,

You must remember what you fight,

A monster in a mask.


The mask is beautiful and kind

And gentle to the eyes,

But lurking underneath its swathe

A darker presence lies.


He doesn’t take eviction well

He knows no other home,

He’d rather fight to keep his place

Than dwell in peace alone.


So as we consecrate ourselves

Before we move ahead,

Let’s not forget that we won’t move

Until our sins are dead.



davidkropf said…
powerful bro! I like this one a lot
I love watching you let God move you

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