We need grace...
Wings of Grace
Cover this place
With the shadow of Jesus’ arms
With the echo of Calvary’s charm
Heralding the call to all to fall
Back in love with their First Love
Who loved first and awakened
Our thirst for more than
The boring chore of religion.
Son of Grace
Unveil your face
To be seen by the humble
Who tremble and stumble
And stutter and mutter
In the presence of such beauty
The Lamb slain in pain
To rain down love from above.
How can it be?
Whisper of Grace
Fill my ears until tears
Well up in gratitude
At the magnitude of your faithfulness
Shrouding my filthiness.
Raise your voice of mercy
And unearth me from the soil of sin
That I’m buried in which
Seeks to kill me and fill me with me
Instead of you.
Downpour of Grace
Rain down on this place
And find a home in our hearts
That roam in the dark
Trying to cover the scars
With lovers who are
Weak to clean the places that scream
For redemption.
Wash over our hurts,
Recover our hearts,
We need you.