The recent glut of writing...
Many of my posts the last few days have been just little collections of writing that I've penned over the years. I want to make sure I get them archived in my blog so that I don't forget them or neglect their original invitation to my heart.
I'm great at writing things that I forget weeks later and it's healthy for me to read and re-read the things that God has spoken over me and into me throughout the years. Like Israel, I struggle to remember his voice and quickly lean into my own understanding if I'm not vigilant about my history with Him and the clear truth he has spoken in times past.
I need to emphasize that this blog is not primarily for the edification of the readers, but the edification of the writer. I must write for my own heart's sake. I must declare my dreams. I must verbalize my visions, else I die. I must fight for words to hang my heart on.
I also need to emphasize that this blog is ultimately for my daughters. They don't care about my thoughts and passions now in their youth, but I'm writing in hopes that when they look back into their past to make sense of their future, they will find a father's book of life to lean into and learn from. I write for them. I want to collect all my writings and put it into a book for them at their high school or college graduation called, "My dad used to say..." I know this might sound strange, but I want it to be a book that is broken up into topics so if they encounter something wondering what I think about the subject or situation and how I handled it along the way, they will be able to read my thoughts concerning the issue. I have to assume that my views will change and mature over the years, but I think it will still be useful to them to see my growth and my limping logic, or rather theo-logic.
So if at times my thoughts seem random, lacking context, know that my vision for this is rooted in something much more macro than micro and maybe it will grant you some elasticity with which to flex around my frantic and frenetic renderings. Thank you in advance for your merciful treatment of my heart. And for those of you that may be merciless in the coming years, thank you for your critiquing vision that leads to my story's refining revision.
On to the macro...