I love the church/the people...

This is a week that I've had time to just reflect on how beautiful it is to be a part of a faith community that emphasizes the celebration of life and the redemption of humankind.  I just wanted to reflect on some of things that I've been thanking God for regarding the church body I'm a part of, Impact...

- I love how real and raw people are.
- I love how creative and imaginative people are.
- I love how lively and lovely people are.
- I love how unique and united people are.
- I love how beautifully broken people are.
- I love how passionate and provocative people are.
- I love how artistic and aesthetic people are.
- I love how human and humane people are.
- I love how deep and driven people are.

Notice that I love the people...because that is what the church is fundamentally.  It is people. 

A today...I just needed to say how much I love them.


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